Separation Anxiety Solutions – Complete Course


Dog Separation Anxiety SOLUTIONS
Dogs that break out of crates, harm themselves in the process, and who can’t be left alone for even ten minutes are not only a risk to themselves, but the people who live with them, too.

“A well trained dog and a well behaved dog are two entirely different things. A trained dog will do what you ask, but a behaved dog? They will make good choices on their own.”

Inside Separation Anxiety Solutions, you’ll join Jeff, Joelle, and Courtney of Solid K9 Training, to learn the exact training protocols and methods that are savings dogs from the prison of separation anxiety. Dogs just like yours.

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Dog Separation Anxiety SOLUTIONS

Dogs that break out of crates, harm themselves in the process, and who can’t be left alone for even ten minutes are not only a risk to themselves, but the people who live with them, too.

“A well trained dog and a well behaved dog are two entirely different things. A trained dog will do what you ask, but a behaved dog? They will make good choices on their own.”

This behavior is called separation anxiety, and EverySingleDay. We are getting DMs, emails, and comments about how much this behavior is destroying peoples’ (and dogs’) lives.

I haven’t been able to go on a date night with my s/o since we got this dog.”

I had to pullmy kids from extra-curricular activities because we can’t leave the dog home alone.”

My dog destroys the crate when left alone, and hurts himself in the process. If he’s not crated, he WILL eat the window frames.”

Our dog will howl and bark so loud, my landlord is threatening to evict me.”

These are REAL stories.

This is how separation anxiety is affecting families around the world.

It’s heartbreaking, and we understand how much pain and stress this ONE issue can cause. We put it at the top of the “most painful to live with” list— above aggression, believe it or not.

There is no escaping separation anxiety when you’re in the thralls of it. It’s a problem that spills over to every part of your life.

That’s why when people describe It…it’s often accompanied by the words: “suffering” “struggle” “desperation” “trapped” It’s a crappy way to live with your dog…

And we don’t want that for anyone.

But life doesn’t need to be that way. Despite what the internet tells you, this behavior can be modified, and it’s possible for you to get your life (and your peace of mind) back.

Inside Separation Anxiety Solutions, you’ll join Jeff, Joelle, and Courtney of Solid K9 Training, to learn the exact training protocols and methods that are savings dogs from the prison of separation anxietyDogs just like yours.

As a dog owner, you deserve to have a dog that can live happily and peacefully in your home!

Your dog should be confident enough to calmly relax and self soothe on its own—whether you’re gone for 5 minutes or a couple of hours.

No dog should require 24/7 supervision. It’s not realistic, and most of us have jobs, kids, and other life events to put our time into.

But if you you’re knee deep with a dog who is running your household and your life, you might feel like that’s impossible at the moment.

And you might be struggling trying a hundred different methods, a hundred ways, only to keep getting the same result: a dog that’s a danger to itself and your house. 

So how do you help your dog get past this behavior?

If you’re searching endlessly for solutions, or don’t even know WHERE to begin…

Be encouraged.


You just need proven methods to push you in the right direction and get you RESULTS, that’s exactly what you’ll find inside of Separation Anxiety Solutions.