The Leash Reactivity Course


Imagine never having to walk your dog at midnight or through empty parking lots again. Is your reactive dog making life totally unenjoyable for you? Our Leash Reactivity Course was created for YOU! This course will show you exactly how we STOP leash reactivity and train dogs how to properly walk in command, all while you establish leadership AND a better relationship with your dog. This course isn’t a “quick fix”, its a journey to life-long change if you’re ready to do the work with us.

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Train Your Dog to Walk Properly

Imagine never having to walk your dog at midnight or through empty parking lots again. Is your reactive dog making life totally unenjoyable for you? 

Our Leash Reactivity Course was created for YOU! This course will show you exactly how we STOP leash reactivity and train dogs how to properly walk in command, all while you establish leadership AND a better relationship with your dog. This course isn’t a “quick fix”, its a journey to life-long change if you’re ready to do the work with us. 

If you’re on this page, I’m guessing your dog is struggling with reactive behavior

Right now, your dog is most likely out of control on the walk, and nothing you’ve tried has worked. Your dog might be practicing barking, lunging and possibly dragging you down on the walk. It’s a stressful way to live, and certainly not what we get pet dogs for.

But it doesn’t have to be that way…

There is a way to actually stop leash reactivity and gain control of your dog. It doesn’t have to be overly-complicated or take forever, either. We created this course to help people just like you start enjoying their dogs and their walks again. With our step-by-step guide to follow, you don’t have to be lost or alone in the dark anymore.  

If you’re ready to dramatically change your walk (and your life) with your dog, this video course is for you. 

You might be thinking, “My dog is totally out of control. Who are you and how can you help me?

I know your struggle because I have been there myself, too.

Whether you just got a dog and have no idea where to start, or you’ve been struggling for a while, you might have some common problems going on within the household. Does your dog pee everywhere, chew on everything, bolt through doors, not listen to anything you say? Do you even feel like there’s no hope in sight?

It doesn’t have to be that way…

Imagine if you could fully train your dog and FINALLY find a way to communicate in a way you both understand. Imagine not being frustrated and actually looking forward to all the places you can go together. Imagine not ever having to leave your dog out of important life events ever again.

If you’re ready to start enjoying your dog and all the freedom training has to offer, then look no further. This course is for you!