Green to Graduate The Off Leash Dog Training Guide

ready to find the solutions you’ve been searching for?

Do you want to teach your dog a bunch of useless words, or do you want to start living a life that feels like FREEDOM?

Join thousands of dog owners who are taking their dogs from “green”/untrained to fully off leash reliable in 4 weeks or less!

Split image with text "WHAT'S POSSIBLE WITH THE RIGHT TRAINING? Watch this short video." Left side: two dogs running in a field. Right side: two dogs lying on the floor next to a seated person.

Are you ready for your dog to stop all the nonsense behaviors like zoomies around the house, jumping on guests and furniture, chewing up shoes, leash pulling, charging the front door, and relentless barking?

This is not your typical dog training approach…

Anyone can teach a dog how to sit, down, and recall with a few pieces of kibble…

But that’s not what we do here. Because half measures get you no where.

If you’re wanting to bring your dog literally everywhere, have trust in your dog and reliability when it TRULY counts…

…like when your dog is in a dead sprint toward a squirrel in the road…

Then we are going to show you how. And we’re going to do it together

Green to Graduate isn’t just more basic information. It’s an experience. 

It IS the transformation within your dog, and yourself, that you’ve been searching for. 

Allow us to re-define your current meaning of “dog training” and change how you think and feel about leading, communicating, and understanding your dog on the deepest level possible. 

Dog training that works when it counts – in public, in your home, in real life. This goes WAY beyond basic obedience

This course breaks down our four stages of training from basic leash pressure all the way to off leash remote collar conditioning, and it covers all the troubleshooting processes in between. Green to Graduate shows it ALL so you and your dog can WIN!

What Our Students Have To Say…

“We can take him in public now!”

7 lessons into training
Your dog can do this too.
A woman sits outside with a drink, displaying two text messages. The messages discuss a dog named Tank, highlighting his progress in off-leash training and socialization, and gratitude for the training advice.
Text message announcing the completion of graduate courses, expressing excitement about a dog training idea with 24 dogs, including a successful 20-minute Off Leash Training demonstration. Includes gratitude for support.

“SO much potential in just 20 minutes”

Two dogs, one brown and white and the other black, are lying on a restaurant patio. Text above mentions the writer enjoying time with kids at a busy restaurant. Thanks to the Off Leash Training Guide, these well-behaved pups have graduated from being novices to perfect companions.

Took the Dogs to the Cafe!

Put our training to work & enjoy similar success with your dog

We are dedicated to YOUR success

Solid K9 is the dog trainer you have been looking for. If you’ve tried the rest without success, you are finally in the right place. If we are the first dog trainer you’ve sought out, you’ll soon find out you are definitely in the right place and amongst excellent company.
Text message expressing gratitude for seminars, courses, and community help in keeping dogs well-behaved around major distractions. Really appreciative of the Off Leash Training techniques shared with us!

Dogs are staying in command around distractions

A text message reads: "Thanks so much. I have been training Mia using your techniques and it has changed our lives so much. Thank you!.

Changed our lives so much

Both dogs Relaxed!

A text message sharing appreciation for Jeff and Joelle, describing a peaceful dinner where the writer's previously fearful and reactive girl laid calmly by them thanks to their incredible off leash training, surprising the wait staff with her behavior.

So well behaved

PSA: You don’t suck at training your dog…

Two people walking their dogs and discussing dog training testimonials on a sidewalk in a suburban neighborhood on a sunny day.

But let me ask you this: How long have you been dealing with the crappy behaviors your dog is displaying that brought you to this page in the first place? 

Have you had feelings like…

‘“Now matter how much I try, I feel like I go nowhere with my dog.”

“I feel hopeless, as so many trainers have already let me and my dog down.”

“I can’t even have company over due to my dog’s behavior”

“I’m the reason for my dog’s problems”

“I’ve been training my dog for years, and yet something’s not sticking.”

I feel like a prisoner of my own home.”

The list goes on…

And it’s not from a lack of effort!

In fact, you’re likely exhausted from trying so hard. 

***I know you are, because my DMs are always full. YOU guys are telling me so!

I have some news that might just change everything for you. 

You aren’t “failing” your dog and you aren’t “lazy”.

You’ve just been following the wrong advice for far too long.

I’m certain nobody ever got a dog to one day wake up and say “I’m so glad my dog is destroying my life, and I get to waste thousands of dollars on training that doesn’t work.”

Here’s what’s happening:

Imagine walking into your home after a food shopping trip, and your child is drawing ALL over the walls. Permanent marker. You know this is definitely not acceptable behavior, so you ask your child to come help bring the groceries inside to pull them away from the destruction. You stopped them in the moment, but tomorrow? It’s the same thing. More walls marked up, more distractions, but it feels like groundhog day…again. You’re exhausting all your efforts to keep your kid from ruining your house, but you’re not changing anything. This is because you’re not actually addressing the real issue: the unwanted behavior. You’re simply grabbing your son/daughter’s attention for a brief moment. Unfortunately this happens A LOT with dog training, too. And it’s not your fault. No one told you that these methods don’t actually get to the core of the issue. In fact, you were probably told the opposite. 

When you learn how to create a “self-aware” dog that WANTS to make good choices, everything changes for the better!

And you’ll be able to do this easily, in under a few weeks’ time…without feeling like training the dog has taken over every aspect of your life. We’re talking an hour a day, if that. 

-your dog’s “training” is basically limited to your living room, in complete silence, with zero distractions…but you want your dog to be trained everywhere you go…

-you don’t actually understand a lot of the dog training jargon out there. You just know you’re tired of it not working.

-you don’t want to go another month, let alone another f#cking year trying to figure this out. 

-you want freedom with your dog. You want to be at the farmers markets, the cafes, the beach and the hiking trails. You want more than the back yard for the both of you…but it feels so far out of reach right now. 

A man with a dog on a leash, trained through dog training testimonials, pauses in a hardware store aisle, looking at shelves with a woman and shopping cart visible in the background.

Inside Green to Graduate You Will Have Access To:


Start to finish training (26 modules) that cover proven methods for on and off leash training

($497 value)


Our world-renowned e-collar training program

($997 value)


Public Access work and troubleshooting

($497 value)


Awesome BONUS modules:

How to fit a prong collar module $97 value

How to increase food drive module $97 value

Walk the Walk and MASTERING the walk courses $97 value

Advanced Obedience and Public Access Course $197 value

Total value: $2,479

Nothing changes if you don’t…

Imagine Yourself A Couple Weeks From Now

You’ve completed the Green to Graduate training. You’re at an outdoor cafe catching up with friends while your dog is settled quietly by your side. Your server approaches and exclaims “wow, I didn’t even realize there was a dog here!”

Your dog is becoming more confident by the day, and you are at ease knowing they’re capable of going anywhere with you.

Your life (and your dog’s) have improved ten fold. Your morning walks are slow and relaxed with coffee in hand.

Life is stress-free and for the first time, your dog can be part of your daily life and routine.

People stop and ask “how did you do it?” And you smile with pride to reply “I did it myself!”

100% Satisfaction Guarantee

We don’t want your money, we want your satisfaction (and success) That’s why we offer a 72 hour love it or leave it policy. 

If you don’t think it’s the right program, let us know. We’ll be happy to get you into another training program.

  • Chances are you’ve been struggling with your dog’s behavior for a while… Are you ready to create change, or do you want to stay exactly where you are now?

    Give the training a try. You owe it to yourself and you owe it to your dog.
Founders of Solid K9 Training and Academy

Meet Jeff and Joelle

3.9 million dogs are surrendered to shelters each year due to behavioral issues—we’re on a mission to change that.

Together, we’ve trained and rehabbed over 10,000 dogs world-wide in person and through our virtual courses. We’ve held 300+ dog training seminars globally & have proven methods in place that are helping people train their dogs and keep their pets in their homes.

We believe to our core that every dog deserves a chance-no matter what behaviors they’re struggling with. And we are certain dog owners can train their dogs without ever working with a trainer in person. Dog training has the ability to create massive freedom in your life on so many levels, and that’s exactly what we teach inside this course.

Jeff Gellman

Founder and Trainer
Specializes in transforming the relationship with your dog

Joelle Gifford

Founder and Trainer
Specializes in behavior modification techniques.

FAQs – You have questions, we have answers:

Man sitting on a yellow chair grooming a brown dog in a workshop environment, surrounded by testimonials of successful dog training.

We know the dog industry has likely made you feel like your dog is a lost cause. But it’s never too late to start. This course IS made for dogs who are truly “green” and untrained. You start by starting!! Follow the course start to finish and allow us to walk you through the process, step by step.

No worries. We will show you how to condition your dog to the tools. Tools are great communication systems, especially when dogs aren’t super motivated by food, toys, or affection. Tools are just a means to an end, and there is a proven process on how to train with them (we’ll show you!)

You might feel like you’ve tried everything, but we promise, you have not gone through a program like ours before. We do things differently here (you’ve heard that before, too, most likely.) But we wouldn’t call something proven that has worked once, for one dog. Our training has helped thousands of dogs around the world. It’s easy to follow, implement, and it actually yields results. We create courses and trainings for YOU in mind. We want you to win more than anything. We put a guarantee on our programs for a reason. If you feel it’s not the right fit, no worries. Just contact us and we’ll get you into another program, or refund you. *terms and conditions apply

Nope!! ALL baseline training is taught in this very course. Start fresh and see what’s possible with just 30 minutes a day of training.

Any additional questions? Open a 👉 chat and speak with our team! We’re always here for you

Green to Graduate – Comprehensive Off-Leash Dog Training Course

Our keystone training course. If you want to bring your dog literally everywhere, have trust in your dog and reliability when it TRULY counts… …like when your dog is in a dead sprint toward a squirrel in the road… Then we are going to show you how. And we’re going to do it together.
