Digital Courses

Showing 1–16 of 30 results

  • Promotional material for a 5-day remote collar dog training workshop featuring a dog and a handheld remote control device along with engaging testimonials from satisfied customers.

    5-Day Dog Training Remote Collar / ecollar Workshop



    A remote collar (e-collar) is the most effective means to train a dog, yet you’re still second-guessing yourself… or questioning whether or not your dog is capable of being trained at all.

    Discover what’s possible within just five days of following the exact methods that we have used to transform the lives of tens of thousands of dogs worldwide.
    Even if your dog is nervous, fearful, or reactive, our e-collar program is for every dog of any breed, that’s struggling with ANY issue!

  • A dog sits obediently beside a sign with the text "COFFEE" and an arrow, showcasing details about the "Advanced Obedience and Public Access" course.

    Advanced Obedience and Public Access


    Learn the necessary skills needed as a HANDLER in order to get your dog out of the house and living the life you always imagined together. So you dove into the rabbit hole of training your dog Maybe you’ve been here for a while, or you’re brand new to it altogether. But you know you’re ready for “the next level” and you’re ready to jump in. There’s a certain point in every dog owner’s life where you realize there IS more out there for you to accomplish, and it’s also POSSIBLE to achieve it. You wouldn’t be on the page if it wasn’t already happening for you. You want to do more with your dog. You want to give your dog (and yourself) a better quality of life.
    You CAN do this.

  • A German Shepherd wearing earmuffs with an American flag design, next to text "Boom and Bang - A Course for Proofing Loud Noises with Testimonials" against a backdrop of fireworks.A YouTube comment by Nicole Enstad at 07:08 PM reads, "live courses helped me tremendously.

    Bangand Boom – Dog Training Noiseproofing


    Discover proven methods to get your dog over their fear of fireworks, thunder, and other loud noises!

  • A man sits in a chair with three dogs in various positions. Text reads: "Board and Train Dog's First Day of Training - Live Workshop - How We Begin Teaching Foundation Work.

    Board and Train Dog’s First Day of Training – Live Workshop


    Board and Train Dog’s First Day of Training – Live Workshop Ever wonder how a successful board and train starts? We’ll show you. So, you want to know what a first “formal” obedience session should look like No matter if you are using this info for your own personal dog, or using it to train client dogs, this is the training sequence and protocol we use whenever taking on a new board and train dog.

  • A baby sleeping on a blanket next to a dog on a couch with the text: "Bringing Home Baby - A Guide to Babyproofing Your Dog and Coexisting with Kids.

    Bringing home Baby – Babyproofing your Dog


    Bringing Home Baby – How to train your dog for bringing home a baby
    This course will take you through the journey of preventative dog training to help ease your mind when it comes to integrating a new baby into your home. Whether your dog is out of control, nervous, or simply doesn’t know anything at all, this course will cover everything you need to bring peace into your home. 
    Are you nervous or afraid of this next stage in life because of your dog’s behavior? That makes you normal, as so many people struggle with this same problem. That’s why we created the “Bringing Home Baby Course.”
    This course will take you through the journey of preventative dog training to help ease your mind when it comes to integrating a new baby into your home. Whether your dog is out of control, nervous, or simply doesn’t know anything at all, this course will cover everything you need to bring peace into your home.

  • Sale! Image of a dog lying on a couch next to text that reads "Calm On Command.

    Calm on Command – Complete Course

    Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $147.00.

    Calm On Command – The Complete Course
    Challenging, overly-aroused, and high energy dogs require methods that are anything but “basic.”
    Every minute of every day is an opportunity to train your dog.
    But if you’re knee deep with a dog who is running your household, you might feel miles away from those opportunities.

    You just need proven methods to push you in the right direction, save you time, and get you RESULTS, that’s exactly what you’ll find inside of Calm on Command

  • A split image showing a barking, aggressive dog on the left and a calm, relaxed dog on the right. The text reads "CHAOS TO CONTROL" with a subheading "The No BS Guide to Stopping Leash Reactivity—AUTO-DRAFT Edition.

    Chaos to Control – The No BS Guide To Stopping Leash Reactivity


    Chaos to Control! Stop Leash Pulling, Lunging, and other unwanted behaviors
    You know, all those bad behaviors your dog has that are driving you and your family crazy that sometimes make you wish you didn’t have a dog? Let’s stop that bad behavior. Today. “This isn’t your mother’s Leash Reactivity Course”
    “I won’t just be teaching you how to stop leash reactivity. I’m also teaching you the proactive side of things like how to train the behaviors you DO want, so you can have long-lasting results that will make A LOT of problems with your dog go away for good.

    Yes, I said it. And these aren’t just claims, they are promises. Methods that have been tried and true for 20 years with thousands of clients around the world.” – Jeff Gellman, Solid K9 Training

  • A close-up of a black and white dog graces the cover of the book titled "Consider the Human - The Dog Trainers Guide to Training Dog OWNERS," an essential read for all dedicated dog owners.

    Consider the Human – The Dog Trainers Guide to Training Dog OWNERS


    Anyone who works with dogs or owns a dog knows this one thing for CERTAIN: The dog’s success depends on the HUMAN’S training and/or skillset. It’s no secret that our recipe for highly trained dogs is highly trained humans. After every board and train program, the owners of each dog receive 4+ hours of hands-on training from us! We pride ourselves in the amount of time we dedicate to educating the “other” end of the leash. The human component of dog training IS the piece to the puzzle that is so often missing. This course will take you through an entire go-home session with Theo + Beau, the reactive littermates, and their owners. You’ll see the dynamic of their relationship with each person, and how it affects their behavior overall. We show you how we transfer everything to the real world by taking the duo out on an excursion to stores and cafes, all while the owners are handling them 90% of the time.

  • Sale! Two dogs lying on the ground under a table. Text reads: "The Puppy Course, @SOLIDK9TRAINING, Getting your dog ready for the real world with comprehensive dog training.

    Dog Training – Public Access Prep

    Original price was: $247.00.Current price is: $197.00.

    Prepare your dog to access public spaces with confidence that they will be well-behaved and attentive to your commands.

  • Sale! A large group of dogs of various breeds and sizes with the text "Dog Training - Socialization with Safety: How to properly integrate your dog with new dogs" displayed over them.

    Dog Training – Socialization with Safety

    Original price was: $197.00.Current price is: $147.00.

    Inside this course, you’ll learn how to integrate multiple dogs, what body language cues to look out for, and how to control the energy of the pack for the MOST success. Join today for presale pricing which won’t last forever. Tell me if this sounds like you… You want to be able to bring your dog to social settings. You need simple, easy to follow instruction how to teach your dog to exist around other dogs. You’ve heard a lot of bad advice out there about “letting dogs be dogs” and it all sounds questionable. You just brought home a new dog, and you’re unsure how to integrate the new dog with your current one(s). I have good news for you…

  • A blue sign with white text reads: "Dog Training Leadership LIVE - The first steps we take when receiving a new dog.

    Dog Training Leadership LIVE – The first steps we take when receiving a new dog


    So, you want to know the structure we use when taking on any new dog…
    This workshop is perfect for dog owners as well as established and aspiring trainers. We can shortcut you a couple decades of effort and show you what works and why!
    We all know dogs NEED leadership in their lives. They need boundaries, structure, and accountability…kind of like us humans, right? 
    Every time a reactive, aggressive, or just out-of-control dog comes into our training program, there are FOUR KEY leadership skills we teach them on day one.

  • A man stands with a client dog in a grassy area next to a tree. Text overlay reads "Go Home Session with Client Dog.

    Go Home Session with Client Dog


    This course will take you through an entire go-home session with Coco the Doberman and her owners. You’ll see the dynamic of her relationship with each person, and how that effects her behavior overall. We show you how we transfer everything to the real word by taking Coco out on an excursion to Home Depot, all while the owners are handling Coco 90% of the time.
    Anyone who works with dogs or owns a dog knows this one thing for CERTAIN: The dog’s success depends on the HUMAN’S training and/or skillset.

  • Sale! Two people walking dogs on leashes on the left. Various images of dogs playing and lying down on the right. Text overlay reads "Green to Graduate - Comprehensive Off-Leash Dog Training Course" across the middle.

    Green to Graduate – Comprehensive Off-Leash Dog Training Course

    Original price was: $497.00.Current price is: $297.00.

    Our keystone training course.

    If you want to bring your dog literally everywhere, have trust in your dog and reliability when it TRULY counts…
    …like when your dog is in a dead sprint toward a squirrel in the road…
    Then we are going to show you how. And we’re going to do it together.

  • Man training a dog in a standing position with front paws up, beside text about the "Green to Graduate Part 2 - Comprehensive Off-Leash Dog Training Course.

    Green to Graduate Part 2 – Comprehensive Off-Leash Dog Training Course


    Part two of our keystone training course.

    We will show how we train, troubleshoot, and create bomb-proof obedience, while also including the step-by-step stages of how we get there in the first place. We’re breaking it all down in an easy and fun way to follow along with. Green to Graduate 2 is the perfect compliment to our best selling Green to Graduate Program (which we highly recommend you complete before getting your toes wet with this course!)

  • A blue rectangle with white text that reads, "How to build a relationship with a biting dog.

    How to build a relationship with a biting dog


    How to build a relationship with a biting dog! In this 90-minute Live Zoom workshop, we will work with a known biting dog to show you the causes of biting and also address how we build a relationship with a biting dog. Is it even possible? Sign up now and attend the live session to ask Q&A as we teach. Cant make it live? No problem, the recordings will be added to your account for free even if you can’t make the live session.

  • A person sits at an outdoor cafe table with two dogs resting nearby. The text reads, "How to Train Your Dog to Behave at a Cafe: A Guide for Bringing Your Dog in Public Without the Stress." Train your dog to behave at a cafe and enjoy a stress-free outing.

    How to Train your dog to behave at a cafe


    Imagine yourself sitting at a cafe, sipping your coffee, catching up on emails, and your dog is quietly tucked beneath the table enjoying your companionship the entire time. You’re able to do all your favorite things… with your dog by your side! Is this even real life? !YES! It can be, with this free training we’ve put together just for you. And besides, there is just something magically confident about a dog owner who can maintain a calm and relaxed dog in a busy public setting. We want you and your dog to enjoy what TRUE freedom feels like. And it’s all possible when you follow the correct steps.