How to Train your dog to behave at a cafe


Imagine yourself sitting at a cafe, sipping your coffee, catching up on emails, and your dog is quietly tucked beneath the table enjoying your companionship the entire time. You’re able to do all your favorite things… with your dog by your side! Is this even real life? !YES! It can be, with this free training we’ve put together just for you. And besides, there is just something magically confident about a dog owner who can maintain a calm and relaxed dog in a busy public setting. We want you and your dog to enjoy what TRUE freedom feels like. And it’s all possible when you follow the correct steps.

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Imagine yourself sitting at a cafe, sipping your coffee, catching up on emails, and your dog is quietly tucked beneath the table enjoying your companionship the entire time. 

You’re able to do all your favorite things… with your dog by your side!

Is this even real life?!

YES! It can be, with this free training we’ve put together just for you.

And besides, there is just something magically confident about a dog owner who can maintain a calm and relaxed dog in a busy public setting.

My Dog? In Public? Yah Right!

Cafe Manners is THE step by step process we take with every dog we train for public access. 

There comes a certain point in every dog’s training journey where you think “it’s time to bring you out of the house.”

But where do you start?

ARE you truly ready?

Will it all go sideways and have you leaving embarrassed and traumatized from the ordeal?

Not on our watch! 

We want you and your dog to enjoy what TRUE freedom feels like. And it’s all possible when you follow the correct steps. 

Like Johnny Cash always said about his version of paradise: “This morning, with her, having coffee.” Except this can be your reality with your dog, and that’s pretty much the same thing 😉

This FREE training will show you the following:

-How to properly leave the house before an outing
-How to keep your dog calm in the car
-How to exit the car and enter a public setting
-How to keep your dog calm and in command for the duration of your trip

It’s yours forever, so watch as many times as you need!
If we could do it with these two previously reactive dogs, so can YOU! 
And we can’t wait to show you how. 

Here’s something most trainers won’t tell you: Obedience training will not eliminate unwanted behaviors preventing you from accessing public places like the cafe. In fact, obedience training and behavior modification training are two separate aspects of training that are both needed to have a happy existence with your dog.

And let’s face it. A well behaved dog will always raise the confidence of any man or woman.