The Resource Guarding Guide


The Resource Guarding Guide – Are you afraid of your own dog when it comes to resources like food, toys, or even certain areas of the house that your dog protects?
Have friends or trainers told you to re-home your dog due to it’s behavior?
Has the advice you’ve been given before not worked, or even made things worse? A common “solution” to resource guarding is the “swap” method. Give your dog a higher value item and trade them for whatever object they are guarding. Seems to make sense, right? Except all you are actually doing is REINFORCING the guarding behavior. Think about it: the dog is growling or guarding something, then you show up with a high value reward and technically reinforce the behavior by rewarding the act of guarding.

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Are you afraid of your own dog when it comes to resources like food, toys, or even certain areas of the house that your dog protects?

Have friends or trainers told you to re-home your dog due to it’s behavior?

Has the advice you’ve been given before not worked, or even made things worse? A common “solution” to resource guarding is the “swap” method. Give your dog a higher value item and trade them for whatever object they are guarding. Seems to make sense, right? Except all you are actually doing is REINFORCING the guarding behavior. Think about it: the dog is growling or guarding something, then you show up with a high value reward and technically reinforce the behavior by rewarding the act of guarding. 

Millions of dog owners struggle with resource guarding. You don’t have to be one of them.

We see it all the time, and so many of our clients come to us still struggling even after following such advice to no avail. Resource guarding is a behavioral problem that millions of dog owners struggle with. It can quickly turn your amazing pet into a terrifying occupant of your home, and nobody should live that way with their dog. Especially when there are solutions out there that actually work!

I have rehabbed thousands of resource guarding dogs that were literally destroying their families lives. After the proper training and the right methodology, these dogs are back in their homes, safe, happy and enjoying life. It does not take years, months, or even weeks to accomplish this either. Many of the dogs I have worked with stop resource guarding in their very first session. I have a tried and true solution to this problem, and I can’t wait to share it with you.