What Would Jeff Do 6/6/09
Weekly radio show this is from 6/6/09
Weekly radio show this is from 6/6/09
Dogs want you to be the leader. As some of you know, I had a very well known production company come out last Saturday to do some filming on me and fortunately had some great clients and their dogs to work with, but one case in particular really stood out. My clients in this circumstance…
Yesterday was interesting..I did not schedule any clients ..the reason being is that Linda was going to go to NYC with one of my daughters (Olivia) and pick up things from her apartment. Olivia is going to stop modeling for the moment and travel. She was in Costa Rica for 5 weeks and got the…
I have not blogged for over a week. I was having some issues with uploading my blog, not sure what has been happening. I have been uploading photos multiple times a day on my facebook page. I also have been setting up Picture Gallerys on my website. the website has been revamped so you can…
I leave for Denver CO at 5am Thursday to go to an event titled BlogPaws, it is a conference for dog related bloggers, I am going to meet the 30 or so large scale sponsors to network and get advertisers for my successful radio show. I am also looking to become a lot of the…
today I ran a 6 dog pack in 6 degree weather for 60 minutes at a local beach, the bay was frozen over and we had lots of fun. To me this is why I train so hard, so I can unleash the true spirit in dogs ย this is the pack heading back to…
Looks like we are not going to be effected by the hurricane in Pvd, which is great since we have a full kennel and lots of folks need dogs trained. Since I don’t drink alcohol, my idea of having something “on the rocks” after work is the picture above. Remy, Uma and Jacoby waiting for…