Crazy busy week
I know, I have not put up a post for almost 1 week, no excuse, facebook gets updated a couple of times a day, so if you need a SK9T fix I encourage you to become a facebook fan of mine. You can just
“like” me from my front page of my website. Christmas day I am not on the radio since the station is closed…so much for the theory that the Jews run the entertainment industry.
Bowie rocking out on the treadmill, almost all of the dogs can go on the treadmill without a human standing next to them..on that note..check out this little video
a typical training scenario at SK9T
Floyd and Sash negotiating a toy swap, that should be interesting..if it works maybe I can use that training for our world leaders and we can get some peace.
Lucy in the Copa Cabana Place command
Ronan is going home this weekend and is a different dog then one that came to us a few weeks ago