New expanded radio show coming soon
I just had a great meeting today with the suits at the radio station and starting March 5th my radio show will be expanding to 3 hours. It will be every Saturday morning from 8-11am on AM790 as well as you will be able to listen to the show live streaming on my website or if you miss any of my shows you can download a podcast
above is the link to my last weeks radio show, you can download the show to your smartphone if you want
Even though we are having some incredible weather in RI we train outside every day and go to the beach most days for off leash recall and pack training
Marley was at the beach for the first time for offleash ecollar recall training
Tilly is up with me from NYC for some babyproofing and as usual Clover helps out with traiining
Just picked up a treadmill for $100.00 and set it up in my office so dogs can exercise and train while I am getting office work done