Garden work is Fun
Wicker was a recent surrender and has started working on his rehab training, he is currently up for adoption and would do well in a multi dog household with someone experienced with larger dogs that will not baby him. He is not lacking physical love at all, he needs a good working dog mentallity household
Jon gets some help from Romy and Clover planting some of those hanging tomato plants, the girls spend so much time outside helping out with yard work and dog training
Clover and Romy help Roca cool off, we have decided to keep him in our cool basement so he can lay down on the cement floor and only have him up for a couple hours at a time. This time a year is rough on him.
Romy and Clover help with distraction trainiing with Remy who is in for a 2 week board and train
Romy the Robot dance is so 1980’s, if you are trying to distract the dog, you might want to try the Moonwalk
If you look carefully I think you can see the kickboard not touching the ground, who knew that Clover was able to do that