the chicken coop is built and contained and 4 of the bigger chickens have been moved outside
Jonathan built a nice containment system to let the chickens run around duriing the day without getting away
Rex in a downstay while our new feral cat that we just rescued hangs out in his cage, he will stay there for a about 2 weeks until he is acclimated to our yard and then he can run free and keep all of our rodents under control
Humphrey Minni and George in Place
Brady and Humprhey doing some vacuum distraction training
working with a dog with some intense dog reaction issues, we went to a dog park today and worked on downstays while ignoring the dogs in the park, this is a great way to desensitize dogs to isssues
Humphrey in Place in my office while Clover and Romy walk on the treadmill
2 little daschunds the first time on the treadmill