My Official Response to Channel 10’s News Story

My Official Response to Channel 10’s News Story – Part 1
By Jeff Gellman of Solid K9 Training.
Jeff specializes in dog training in RI, as well as anywhere else in the US.

A few weeks ago I was equally surprised and delighted that a local news station took
video footage straight from my YouTube channel, and proceeded to air a story about
prong collars being cruel, painful, and unnecessary tools to use on dogs. First, I’d like
to say that my Youtube channel is a wonderful daily source of education, reassurance,
guidance, and encouragement to both my current clients and the dog owning public
with many video examples demonstrating my successful training methods. The goal
in doing so is to ultimately teach as many people as possible how to deepen their bond
and understanding with their dogs, allowing them to live in peace and harmony in the
real world. I’d also like to mention that that just after this story aired, my business was
flooded with new clients. Business has in fact, been the busiest it’s ever been in the past
ten years, so in a way I’m filled with gratitude, yet, I would still like to finally get to the
bottom of this here and now.

I have clients come to me on a constant basis, some crying and all frustrated. I hear the
same stories each week; stories of failure, heartbreak, and near loss from people at the
end of their rope, desperate for a solution to their dog’s undesirable behavior. Many of
these folks had invested a tremendous amount of time and money using other trainers
enforcing methods such as treats, clickers, excited voices, excessive praise, and even
medication that never even touched their dogs’ behavior issues. Some people even found
their dog more excitable and even harder to live with, after trying many, if not all of the
largely unsuccessful training tactics commonly used by trainers all over the country.

A large percentage of the dogs I work with on a regular basis would’ve been put to death
because other trainers would either not take them, or would simply give up after only a
few sessions, proclaiming the dog as “untrainable”, “unmanageable” or “unadoptable”. In
my opinion, these words mean, “undeserving of life”, and that is undoubtedly the most
inhumane and cruel fate of all. All dogs deserve another chance to learn, and all dogs
deserve a right to live. I will work with any dog out there, putting not only myself, but
also my family at risk until the dog is calm and balanced, because ninety percent of the
time, my training tactics work, and if for some reason they don’t, I will keep working
to try and find a solution that will. When it comes down to dog training, it’s not about
credentials, resumes, or prestigious schools, but rather about actually getting out there
and working with dogs whether they’re gentle and calm or in a highly agitated and
aggressive state.

Prong collars are safe, humane, and effective. Out of the thousands of dogs I’ve used
prongs on, I’ve not once, seen an injury or broken skin due to their use. If you would like
to read more about prong collars specifically, check out one of my previous blog posts

You see, I believe in dogs. I believe in dogs whether they are eager two- month- old
puppies or highly aggressive dogs with extensive bite histories. I believe in their
intelligence, their ability to listen, their need for guidance, and mostly, I believe in every
dog’s true potential and future. I want each dog I work with to have the best possible
outcome: a life of structure and fulfillment, his owner’s confidence, and the luxury of
being involved with his family in ways the family may have never imagined possible. I
want the relationship between human and dog to transform onto an entirely new level so
both can benefit from each other for years to come.

Some may not agree with my methods due to being misinformed, or maybe don’t
understand how and why these methods work, and that’s fine, because the outcome of my
methods shows in my results. The results speak volumes in my clients’ lives, their dogs’
lives, and both of their lives intertwined. This isn’t just about real world training so your
dog can stay in a command, but also about using logic and compassion to save lives in a
time when millions of dogs need our leadership and we must unite and help one another
as a nation to give each dog the best life possible. With all that they give us, it’s the least
we can do for them.

There will be more to come on this important topic.

If you have any questions, and want to speak to professional dog trainers in Rhode Island,
please contact dog trainer Jeff Gellman at 401.527.6354.

Jeff Gellman
Solid K9 Training Providence, RI (401) 527-6354

You should follow me on Twitter HERE

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  1. The guy who cleaned my carpets the other day said he had hired a trainer to help him with his aggressive dog and the trainer said there was nothing he could do to stop the dog’s aggression toward people who came to the door, especially kids. The dog must have a chemical imbalance or something, he said. This dog is two years old and they’ve given up on training him because of what this one trainer told him.

    1. unfortunately that is very common and the trainer was probably accurate, that there was nothing HE can do, but there are many trainers out there that CAN help this person, this is the same story I hear about day after day of dog owners being let down by misinformed dog owners. quite simply having the dogs not rush the door, putting the dogs in PLACE or a down stay, creating calmness would be the best proactive training to do, then you also add in correcting the dog for any bad behavior and you have a great 2 prong approach to fixing a problem that most likely unless addressed will kill the dog. Pure Positive trainers will always tell you that there is nothing they can do, since they cannot do anything, they all believe that you should ignore the bad behavior no matter how bad it is..sad but true

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