Las Vegas is hot in august

I am away on business from the 26th until the 30th in Las Vegas…which is making friday and next week busy for training with my clients…i am working through the weekend and on Monday the 3rd Labor Day so if you need me don’t worry I am working and I can meet with you..i have been doing a lot of phone consultations with customers and have not been charging for them…most people have offered to pay me…so I will set up a fee schedule for this…which is good for my long distance customers who I cannot travel to every week..I am also looking into doing some sort of live streaming with training demos on my own dogs to answer if you don’t know how to do a certiain training command i can show you on my own dogs in real time..sort of like anwering a question live with video to show the moment I am sitting at the Mandalay Bay at Starbucks…FREE…i have turned this into my little office…i can download songs..answer my email etc..i put together 2 more videos last night and I will post them up while I am away…

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